Monday, June 10, 2013

Tips That Will Help You Do Good In The Pre-Employment Assessment

You probably ask yourself if you should  answer the questions honestly? Or should you choose answers that "sound good?" Many large companies uses pre-employment testing.

The way that online job assessment work is that after you have answered those questions, the software sends red, yellow or green flags back to the employer based on your answers.
Green means that you are an ideal candidate, yellow means that you have potential but they will probably not look into you unless they are desperate, and red means they will probably discard your application immediately. The results of the test will determine whether you are invited to interview.

A hiring manager isn't going to see each individual question and how you have answered it, they will only see the end results and compatibility score. Below are some tips that will help you definitely do good in the test.

1. Answer Ones That The Employers Would Want To Hear.

To succeed in online job application you need to tell the employer what he or she wants to hear. They have those answers that are in between your opinion and in favor of theirs, especially since you need a job.

2. Use Only Strongly Agree or Strongly Disagree. It looks like those tests are computerized, so nobody is actually going to read your results. You  have four options to choose from. When asked whether a statement applies to you or not: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly disagree. "Disagree" or "Agree" are (in my opinion) NEVER the right answer to any question. Any sensible person will have mixed feelings about all these questions. From my own experience and asking co-workers about the online applications, I recommend you to answer all the questions with Strongly Agree or Strongly Disagree.

3. Fill Out The Forms Quickly. Aren't you timed when your taking a test at school ? Okay, so it's important that you finish up your application as quickly as possible. Many people take hours to days to finish an online application. That is a BIG mistake ! The application only take you 30-45 mn to finish. You have enough time to read and understand the questions. The faster you submit the application the better chance to pass.

5. Follow Up Your Resume. After submitting your application, you should follow-up with a phone call or email or even walk in. I would recommend you to walk and hand in your resume to the employer. Going up to the employer reinforce your strong interest in the job and it shows enthusiasm. Also, it could differentiate you from other candidate.

In conclusion, companies that use assessment questions don't base the entire hiring process only on how you answer. They are more concerned with your work history and whether you have you experience too.

Tips: Always answer what they want to hear. And, be careful some of the questions are the same. They are phrased differently in an attempt to see if you answer the question the same multiple times. So, take your time and read the whole question.

Do not invest additional energy in any particular opportunity if you don't get a respond after following up or submitting your resume.


Now It's your turn. Which of these tips do you use when your applying for a job online? which of these tips will you try the next time your applying for a job online? Let me know in the comments section below, and please do share this article with your network if you feel these tips are helpful.